The famous killer whale that made headlines for carrying her dead baby for more than two weeks has finally given birth.
According to scientists who broke the news, the mama orca named J35 by a series of researchers was not ready and able to accept her calf go in 2018.

She carried the dead baby for a long 1000-mile-long journey despite the pain.
But last Friday, scientists were able to spot the devoted and loving mom with another female calf in Puget Sound.

‘My first reaction after seeing the calf was a state of complete shock. I was searching through the images to see who those whales were that passed close towards the port side of the ferry’- the scientist shared.
As they started to scroll through that series, they realized that this time around, it was a tiny calf that was smaller than any other known young ones in that group.

‘Depending on the size and color of that calf, I realized that it was a new calf, and traveling with it just made me realize that they are just like humans, caring for their young and showing them love until they grow to a certain age’- the researcher shared.
At first, many were shocked but when they realized all that this whale had been through in the past, they were so happy.